To put it simply we recommend you choose Espresso, if you use an Espresso Machine or Stovetop to make your coffee.
Otherwise, choose Filter if you make your coffee using: Plunger, AeroPress, Chemex, Drippers etc.
Still not sure? Here’s the long version…
Our Espresso Good Brew Box will feature coffees that are roasted to work best for Espresso style brewing. Espresso roasts tend to be darker and have a more complex flavour profile, or more ‘body’ as the experts like to say. Just because you choose Espresso does not mean you can only brew your coffee with an Espresso Machine, most espresso roasts can be brewed filter style.
Our Filter Good Brew Box will feature coffees more suited to filter style brewing methods e.g. AeroPress, Chemex, Drippers etc. Filter roasts tend to have a more subtle flavour profile and can show more sweeter flavours than espresso roasts.
Some coffees have been intentionally roasted to work well for both Espresso or Filter (the technical term for this type of coffee is called ‘Omni Roasts’). So there may be some months where our Espresso and Filter subscribers receive the same coffee, especially if we think it’s a coffee not to be missed!